Number Maker

Spa & Well­ness Ho­tel Lenz­er­horn Lenz­er­heide


Would you pre­fer to re­lax be­fore break­fast or af­ter sport in the Arosa Lenz­er­heide re­gion?

In the Spa & Well­ness, the steam bath, sauna, out­door pool and in­door pool with counter-cur­rent sys­tem in­vite you to re­lax and un­wind. As a guest at the Ho­tel Lenz­er­horn, use of our Spa & Well­ness is free of charge.

Our guests at Haus Spescha have ac­cess to the Spa & Well­ness for a spe­cial price of CHF 15.00.

Would you like a mas­sage? All our ho­tel guests re­ceive a 10% price re­duc­tion on mas­sages if booked be­fore ar­rival.

Ex­ter­nal guests are wel­come at the Spa & Well­ness Lenz­er­heide, ad­mis­sion costs CHF 35.00 per per­son and visit (ex­clud­ing bathrobe and bath slip­pers). The en­tire mas­sage of­fer can also be booked for ex­ter­nal guests.

External guests

We welcome our external guests for massages and cosmetic treatments at any time.

Other rooms in the Spa & Wellness area are reserved for our hotel guests and are not available to you. Upon request and availability, you can enjoy our entire wellness area with a wellness entrance fee of CHF 35.00 per person (excluding bathrobe and bath slippers).

You are welcome to book a bathrobe for CHF 6.00 and bath slippers for CHF 3.00 at our spa reception in addition to your admission.

Hotel guests

All guests who have booked a stay at Haus Spescha: We welcome you at any time for massages and cosmetic treatments. On request, you can enjoy our entire wellness area at the Hotel Lenzerhorn at any time with a discounted wellness entrance fee of CHF 15.00 per person.


For all guests who have booked a stay at the Hotel Lenzerhorn, our Spa & Wellness area is free of charge.


All guests who have booked a stay at Haus Spescha are welcome at any time for massages and cosmetic treatments. On request, you can enjoy our entire wellness area at the Hotel Lenzerhorn at any time with a discounted wellness entrance fee of CHF 15.00 per person.

You are welcome to book a bathrobe for CHF 6.00 and bath slippers for CHF 3.00 at our spa reception in addition to your admission.

Massages, cosmetics for him & her, beautiful hands & feet

Give your loved ones the gift of a Lenzerhorn experience